Socially Responsible Investments (SRIs)
To our community
aBi underwent a functional review which prioritized Social and Environmental Responsibility as one of the focal areas for support. Promoting environmentally responsible economic growth (Green Growth) is a major concern within the broader theme of Social and Environmental Responsibility.
aBi encourages the integration of interventions under the crosscutting themes – mainly Gender, Youth, Green Growth and HRBA – right from the start, i.e., beginning at the project design stage and carrying through to project implementation.
Happy Customers
Client Setisfaction
aBi Finance
Unlocking Access to Finance
To support agribusinesses throughout value chains, aBi Finance offers Lines of Credit (LoC) to financial institutions. These are offered with a special focus on the social inclusion of women (77% female LoC clients) and marginalised geographies
like northern and Eastern Uganda.
Value of investments (UGX BN)
New Loan clients
New Loans Volume (UGX, Bn)
Success Rate